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A strong and healthy workforce is key to a thriving Florida economy. The unaffordable cost of health care is making it tough for workers in Florida's key industries to get covered and for employers to stay competitive.

In Florida, parents in a family of three with an annual income between $6,936 - $23,030 are ineligible for health care through Medicaid. There is no help at all for working adults without children.

Closing the health care gap would expand access to health care for over 500,000 Floridians and return more than $14 billion of our tax dollars home from Washington, D.C. It also saves Florida's budget almost
$200 million annually.

It's time to bring our tax dollars home.
Summer: Florida's Coverage Gap

Summer: Florida's Coverage Gap

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Direct budget savings that exceed the new costs create net savings for Florida's budget.


State Cost of Expansion

  • Florida's federal tax dollars will be returned to cover 90% of the cost of Medicaid expansion.
  • Florida's 10% match will help cover an estimated 964,000 state residents.
  • The 90-10 split is better than the 60-40 split of traditional Medicaid. 


Savings From Enhanced Federal Matching Rates

The enhanced federal matching rate (90%) will also extend to groups Florida's Medicaid program currently includes, like the medically needy, providing substantial savings. 


Savings From Replacing State Funds With Federal Medicaid Funds

Under Expansion, federal Medicaid will cover costs that are currently completely paid for by Florida's General Revenue funds, like behavioral health and correction services.


Gains From Increased Provider and Hospital Tax Revenue

With the increased economic activity for health care providers, the state will gain more in tax revenue. 

Total Net Savings From Expanding Medicaid in Florida:


Read full Florida Policy Institute Savings report: 


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+ $3 Billion

The American Rescue Plan gives states that newly expand a 5-percentage point increase in their base federal medical assistance percentage (or FMAP) for two years. According to estimates from Kaiser Family Foundation and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Florida would receive between $3 billion and $3.5 billion additional dollars to fund health care.


Are You Uninsured and Don't Qualify for Medicaid?

Share Your Story and Recieve a $20 gift card.

Florida Voices for Health is capturing the stories of Floridians to help leaders understand why we need to close the coverage gap. 


Participants must be:

  1. Uninsured (or about to lose coverage)

  2. Ineligible for Medicaid and ACA Marketplace tax credits.


By telling us your story, you help speak for people who may be facing issues just like yours. You have the opportunity to help change the future for millions of Floridians.


How Does It Work?


  • Fill out the form below

  • Text us at 850.296.2241

  • Email us at

  • Find us on Facebook Messenger (@FLVoices4Health)


Submit your story using the form below. After you submit your story, a member of our staff may contact you to learn more about your situation and to ensure that Florida Voices for Health understands your story in detail.


Florida Voices for Health will match participants with opportunities to share their stories publicly. Opportunities may include: requests from the media, policymakers, and advocates; use in our online efforts; and use in our policy briefs.


We will always ask your permission before we release any contact information or highlight your story, and you can always opt out of any opportunity.


By submitting your story you agree to our consent and release guidelines.

Marquis: Florida's Coverage Gap

Marquis: Florida's Coverage Gap

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